Friday, January 6, 2012

10 lbs. down


Somehow I lost 4 lbs yesterday.  I guess it was all the sweating I did at the gym and counting those points.

I was hungry lat last night, but I decided not to eat and to just go to sleep.  I drank water instead.

It worked!!!!

Have a great day!!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

off to the gym


I am headed to the gym.

i guess this point system really does have some merit after all!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

guess what!!!

I lost another 1.4 lbs.

Today, I weighed in at 246.2.

I did great yesterday up until dinner.  Yogurt with granola for breakfast, a turkey sandwich with lots of veggies for lunch, and the taco bueno nachos and a DP for dinner.  I had planned to cook a healthy dinner, but then the twins got the best of me.  I did, however, drink my 10 cups of water.  I really think that helps flush the bad stuff out.

So far, off to a bumpy but progressing start.

Hoe are you doing on your journey?

Have a great day!!!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

my history

Morning weigh in......247.6.

I am thinking that this is all just water weight left over from the holidays, but I will take it!

Had some activia yogurt and granola for breakfast.  Going to make my mini goal to have 10 glasses of water today.  That and do laundry and put up a bookshelf in the twins room.

How are you all doing????

I think the hardest thing about today will be not having Dr. Pepper.  I have basically thrown out all the sweets in the house.  Sweets are my vice.

Let's see how it goes.

Here is a little history of me:

When I was in high school I weighed 140-160.

When I met my husband in college I weighed 150.

When I got married 4 years later, I weighed 210.

When I started fertility treatments, I weighed 220.

When I finally got pregnant, I weighed 235.

When I gave birth, I weighed 285.  YIKES!!!!!!

So, I have lost about 35 legitimate pounds since giving birth to 12 pounds of baby.  I would love to get where I was when I met my husband.  So, long term goal, 150.  Short term goal, weight when I gpt pregnant.  235.  I bet I can get there in a month.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Good Morning!!!

I just weighed in.

248.8.  I am down 2 lbs from where we started, but I am pretty sure that is just water weight.

Speaking of water, I just grabbed some from the fridge instead of a Dr. Pepper.

It is all about choices, right???

How is your day going so far?  I am happy to say that by 10 am, I have yet to consume a point!!!!

This shall change soon, I am sure.


Sunday, January 1, 2012


I had some Christmas candy and then threw everything else out.  CAN'T have that stuff in the house.

Not doing so hot yet.


Hi. My name is J. I am fat.


My name is J.

I am fat.

I am female.

I am 5 foot 5.

I weighed 250.8 pounds this morning.

I am married.

I have two kids.

Follow me on a 365 day journey as I lose weight the old fashioned way.  Working out, eating right, trying to de-stress in a world full of fucking stress.  Will I still smoke?  Probably.  Will I still drink?  Yes. I have twin 8 month olds.  Will I eat healthy?  I will try my hardest to eat healthy every day.  Will I exercise?  Yes.  As much as I can fit in while being wife and mom.

I joined Weight Watchers at 11:30 last night.  I am a member of LA Fitness.  I have the tools.

Now, I just have to do it.

So far today, I have had a salad for lunch, half a slice of cold pizza for breakfast as I fed the twins, and half a roll of lifesavers.  Working on drinking water when I think of it.

Losing weight is going to be a bitch.